Monday, November 18, 2013

Movie Review: “About Time”

Romantic comedies are the films that can be overly sentimental with moments of wit that take place as “boy-meets-girl” leads to “boy-loses girl- and-wins-girl-back”. Friends and family likely try to help the love match with comedic results. By the end, the audience leaves the theater either believing the on-screen chemistry or not.

“About Time” is a quirky version of the genre that gives “boy” multiple chances to right his life.  On the day of his 21st birthday, Tim (Domhnall Gleeson) learns a family secret from his father (Bill Nighy) that alters his perception on things. This gift given to Tim is one that allows him to bend the space-time continuum to affect or just revisit past events of his life. Once he knows this, the young man uses this gift with a determination to enrich his life. Along the way, he meets a struggling playwright (an excellent Tom Hollander) and Mary (Rachel McAdams).

Tim learns his gift is useful for doing good deeds for others as well as ensuring his own happiness. However, he realizes there are limitations to this. What follows is a riveting set of scenes that show that family is what matters as well as the importance of living in the present and accepting your decisions.

My verdict: I enjoyed this movie. Domhnall Gleeson gave a great performance as Tim. His awkward nature leads to some of the film’s brightest spots. He had the comedic timing, yet could also bring out the emotional vulnerability a son has for his father. The scenes between Nighy and Gleeson are memorable and poignant.

The only thing that viewers might say is an issue with this movie is its sentimentality. By definition, a romantic comedy is supposed to have this element. However, I will admit that Tim and Mary get together and seem to lack the visible spark that couples should have in these pictures. They are a decent couple, but there are scenes where it seems you are moving along their timeline waiting for them to genuinely connect.

Oddly, the sentimental element comes from the father and son bond. I really felt Bill Nighy and Domhnall Gleeson had an emotional connection throughout this movie. The moment the film shifts focus to them, it resonated with me as a viewer.  Anyone with a sensitive side will probably need to bring a Kleenex as this film makes you think as much as it makes you feel.

Overall, “About Time” is a wonderful movie. I recommend it to anyone who wants to see a great story about a son maturing into a man as he actively seeks to control his destiny. Now, if only I could go back in time and return to the theater to revisit the first time I saw it… (8 out of 10)