Monday, October 10, 2016

WWE Memories: Holiday Show 12-26-2010 Part 4

The WWE fans are very dedicated.  John Cena seemed to thanked the crowd for coming out that night more than he usually did:

John Morrison defeated King Sheamus in a Street Fight
Nexus member Wade Barrett was prepared to fight John Cena in a Steel Cage

John Cena was victorious and addressed the crowd after his win

The crowd bundled up and made their way back home after a great night of in-ring competition

WWE Memories:Holiday Show 12-26-2010 Part 3

Current WWE favorites were ready to battle the elements as well as each other:
Randy Orton faced off against WWE Champion The Miz(and his "apprentice" Alex Riley)

Daniel Bryan(Now Smackdown General Manager) celebrated his victory 

"King" Sheamus made his grand entrance 

WWE Memories:Holiday Show 12-26-2010 Part 2

The action continued despite the blizzard.  Those that were there put on a great show:
Vladimir Kozlov along with Santino Marella successfully defended their Tag Team Championships

Tito Santana replaced "snowed-in" Sgt.Slaughter as Roddy Piper's Guest on Piper's Pit

The Usos were not happy about the WWE legends taking their in-ring time

WWE Memories: Holiday Show 12-26-2010 Part 1

The day was December 26th, 2010. World Wrestling Entertainment came into New York for the annual Holiday show at Madison Square Garden.  Mother Nature buried the ground in frost and snow, but that did not stop the WWE fans from attending the night's festivities. While some superstars were snowed-in, the talent welcomed a visiting Nunzio to assist the scheduled referee Charles Robinson and juggled the talent into slots that were vacant by those stranded.

I made the trek to MSG that night. What follows are photos taken from that night(side note:photo quality may not be the best).

Husky Harris(Now known as Bray Wyatt) replaced  "snowed-in" Heath Slater as Justin Gabriel's tag team partner that night