Sunday, June 16, 2013

Movie Review: “Now You See Me”

Magic has been an element of such films as “the Prestige”, “the Illusionist”, and “Scoop”. In “Now You See Me”, the mystic art gets a contemporary and slick representation.

In this film, FBI agent Dylan Rhodes (Mark Ruffalo) is on the case of the 4 Horsemen, a Las Vegas magic show with a crafty bank caper for a finale. The leader is J. Daniel Atlas (Jesse Eisenberg), a master at card tricks. Henley Reeves (Isla Fisher), a former assistant to Atlas at one time, rejoins him in this venture from her career as a successful escape artist. Jack Wilder (Dave Franco) serves as the 4 Horsemen’s skilled locksmith. “Mentalist” Merritt McKinney (Woody Harrelson) has the power to hypnotize people and pull information from their minds by manipulation and general guesswork.

Assisting in the pursuit are other characters the viewer has to keep track of during the movie.  Thaddeus Bradley (Morgan Freeman) uses the 4 Horsemen’s act to boost his business and is recruited for his expertise. Interpol agent Alma Dray (Melanie Laurent) is put on the case and offers a unique perspective.

As the investigation of the magic quartet goes from Las Vegas to New Orleans to New York, it is engaging to watch. Like all mysterious acts, “Now You See Me” enjoys taking the audience on a journey. Just be sure to pay close attention.

My Verdict: “Now You See Me” held my interest from the start. The 4 Horsemen, especially Jesse Eisenberg’s Daniel Atlas, command your attention during their performances. Their attitude conveys showmanship that borders on an arrogant confidence.  You feel like a member of the audience watching them work. The artistry is so cool you won’t believe the “how” even when the proof is presented.

Many that have seen it have questioned the time and character progressions. Seeing it, I acknowledge the point where the film moved forward in time without any indication of how the main 4 Horsemen gained their following let alone set up the enterprise.  Also, everyone in the intrigue comes together rather quickly for that matter. However, it is this quick pace that makes this story work; too much information and the twists and turns would not be as satisfying.

I recommend this movie to anyone who prefers a solid movie with twists and turns, and amazing effects. As for the skeptics, I would ask you to “take a leap of faith”, suspend your disbelief, and see it.   (6 out of 10).   

*I want to acknowledge as a source in this review*

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