Sunday, July 28, 2013

Red Carpet Report: “The Wolverine” Fan Event

On July 23rd, 2013, the AMC Theater Empire 25 in Times Square hosted “The Wolverine” Fan Event.  Those that attended were lined up on a moderately humid afternoon around the block since before 4:00pm and ready to see the latest installment in the Marvel superhero’s saga. Each devoted fan held unto their tickets to the 5:30 event-which was split into theaters 6 and 9 to meet the demand.

The line started to move around 5pm. The security guards verified each had tickets for the screening before admitting them inside.  The personnel in the lobby directed the eager crowd to the special fan event line, where each got their ticket hole-punched, and received a red bracelet or yellow bracelet depending on the time of their screening. Fans also received a lanyard commemorating the event along with foam claws and “The Wolverine” movie t-shirt that had the film’s design art on the front and the release date on the back.
Directed next to the 2nd level of the theater, the lanyard gained the people access to the premiere party already in progress. Z100 DJs were there to give away posters and X-Men Trilogy DVDs signed by Hugh Jackman. The crowd was given free concession items, such as M&Ms and Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups as well as bottled water. Inside the live music was heard through the speakers as the people lined the guardrails on both sides that were set up to allow a special guest to pass. Out the double doors to the right housed a mini-red carpet path leading to the Garden Terrace, and reporters prepping the tools of their trade for that person as well.

Prior to the screening, there was more to the party than fan mingling and free giveaways and concession items. “The Wolverine” star Hugh Jackman came by the AMC Theater to greet the crowd assembled. Emerging from the elevator, Hugh walked the carpeted area leading to the indoor stage set-up. There, he looked out on the company gathered, and took a few questions from the audience. In these inquiries, he addressed the change that took place in his character-Logan/The Wolverine-since the character was last seen. Among the curious questions, there was one about the possibility of an appearance in “the Avengers” movie universe and one about a movie pitting Wolverine against the Hulk (“Wolverine takes out the Hulk in about 5 minutes. What would you do with the rest of the movie?”-Hugh’s response)

By 7:00pm, the first screening group was shown their way to the theater 6. That gave Hugh Jackman the chance to mingle with the Garden Terrace crowd. He took a moment to greet everyone from the dais set up before walking the red carpet to interact with them.  Star-Struck people were amazed they had just spoken to him, got his autograph, or even had a moment of his time. Hugh was gracious to all and that was a courtesy that fans will always remember.

 After Hugh mingled with the people and spoke with the press, he made his exit. That left more time for poster and signed DVD giveaways before the 7:30pm call to gather at the barrier for the movie screening at theater 9. Everyone going in got the RealD 3D glasses and free popcorn. Finding the best seat in the movie theater had one moving through gaps and asking if seats were being reserved. I was lucky to find a 2nd row center seat. Before I knew it, the warning to turn off cellphones was given and “The Wolverine” movie began to appear on the screen.

Two hours or so later, fans filed out. Ecstatic over what they had just seen, many wondered how long they could keep this film’s amazing moments a secret. I for one will continue to do so as many of you reading this need to see this movie to believe it.

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